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KeyStone Learn Oracle 8iR2 英文光碟正式版 (5片裝)



Keystone 公司: Oracle 8iR2資料庫實作教學,一次五片,不囉嗦,讓你一次學完
放過的。市價:新台幣 38000元(美金:749.95元)。

Course Description
This series will teach students the fundamental skills they need to manage
Oracle8iR2 databases. You will learn database administration skills by
designing, setting up, configuring and managing a Oracle server. By the end of
the series, you will have gone through the main tasks necessary to manage
Oracle databases.

Level 1 (2 hrs 22 min)
1.0 Oracle8i Architecture (1 hr 20 min)
1.1 DBA Environment
1.2 Server Architectural Overview
1.3 Database Comps
1.4 Logical Storage Structure
1.5 Data Blocks
1.6 Tablespaces
1.7 Oracle8i JVM
1.8 Multithread Server
1.9 Optimal Flexible Architecture
1.10 DBA Products
1.11 Summary
2.0 Oracle Memory Structures & Processes (1 hr 2 min)
2.1 Setting up Environment
2.2 DB Buffer Cache
2.3 Multiple Buffer Cache Pools
2.4 Storage Clause
2.5 Hit Ratios
2.6 Caching Tables
2.7 Redo Log Buffer Cache
2.8 Large Pool & Java Pool

Level 2 (2 hrs 9 min)
1.0 Oracle Memory Structures & Processes (47 min)
1.1 Sorting
1.2 Checkpoints
1.3 Server Processes
1.4 Background Processes
1.5 SQL Statement Parsing
1.6 Optimizers
1.7 Parallel Operations
1.8 Summary
2.0 Data Dictionary (39 min)
2.1 Metadata
2.2 Static Views
2.3 Dynamic Views
3.0 DBA Utilities (43 min)
3.1 Administration Utilities
3.2 Installation Features

Level 3 (2 hrs 15 min)
1.0 Creating an Oracle Instance & Database (1 hr 25 min)
1.1 Starting & Shutting down a Database
1.2 Shutdown Options
1.3 Alter Database Commands
1.4 Preparing the Setup
1.5 Creating a Database Process
1.6 Create Database Command
1.7 What CREATE Database Creates
1.8 Database Creation Wrapup
1.9 Alert & Trace Files
1.10 Dynamic Views
2.0 Managing Tablespaces & Data Files (50 min)
2.1 Create Tablespace Overview
2.2 Create Tablespace Command
2.3 Creating a Tablespace
2.4 Types of Tablespaces
2.5 Alter Tablespace Command
2.6 Temporary Tablespaces
2.7 Read-only Tablespaces
2.8 Coalescing Tablespaces
2.9 Alter Tablespaces Examples
2.10 Tablespace Offline Options
2.11 Renaming a Data File
2.12 Adding Sspace to a Database
2.13 Dropping Tablespaces
2.14 Dat

Level 4 (1 hr 53 min)
1.0 Managing Rollback & Temporary Segments (43 min)
1.1 Data Blocks
1.2 Data Dictionary Views
1.3 Rollback Segments
1.4 Laying out Rollback Segments
1.5 The Optional Parameter
1.6 Create Rollback Segment Command
1.7 Alter & Drop Commands
1.8 Set Transaction Command
1.9 Using Data Dictionary Views
1.10 Recommendations
1.11 Temporary Segments
2.0 Control & Redo Log Files (1 hr 10 min)
2.1 Control File Contents
2.2 Data Dictionary Views
2.3 Multiplexing Control Files
2.4 Review of Redo Log Files
2.5 Writing to Redo Log Files
2.6 Log Sequence Numbers & Checkpoints
2.7 Adding Redo Log Files
2.8 Clearing Redo Log Files
2.9 Dropping Redo Log Files
2.10 Renaming Redo Log Files
2.11 Archive Log List Command
2.12 Data Dictionary Views

Level 5 (1 hr 49 min)
1.0 Managing Users & Profiles (48 min)
1.1 Managing Users
1.2 Creating User Account
1.3 Alter User Command
1.4 Creating Profiles
1.5 Database Resource Limits
1.6 Create Profile Command
1.7 Password Managing
1.8 Password Complexity
1.9 Password Resource Limits
1.10 Resource-Limit Parameter
1.11 Defining Password Management
1.12 Assigning Profiles
1.13 Data Dictionary Views
1.14 Data Encryption
2.0 Managing Privileges (61 min)
2.1 System Privileges
2.2 Object Privileges
2.3 Working with Roles
2.4 Grant Command
2.5 Viewing System Privileges
2.6 Granting Objects Privileges
2.7 Viewing Privileges & Roles
2.8 Revote Command
2.9 Database Authentication & Access
2.10 Standard Predefined Roles
2.11 Setting Up a Role
2.12 Working with Roles
2.13 Enabling & Disabling Roles
2.14 Guidelines for Role
2.15 Oracle8i Enhanced Security
